The Institute of Civil Funerals Newsletter

August 2014

Best Practice Day, July - A Report

What would we British talk about if not the weather?

Saturday, 19th July - the date of the second IoCF Best Practice Day of 2014 - was a VERY hot day and, in Buckden, the good weather continued into the evening. Those members who had chosen to stay on to share a '10th Birthday' meal at The Lion nearby were able to sit out in the garden until late, and there always seemed to be so much to talk about.

This Institute BP Day was a special event because the aim was to combine some useful presentations from members with a 10th Anniversary Celebration.

So, in the morning, Christine Ogden and myself (Sarah Willis, from Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire respectively) led the opening session on 'Damage Control'. We asked delegates to 'unload' and share some of their most challenging experiences as celebrants. Also, to explain how these incidents had been dealt with at the time and might be avoided in the future including, although unimaginable, how it would be possible to prevent a pregnant woman going into labour during a service after her waters broke!

The second session - after coffee and lots more networking - was led by Jeff Baker (from Yorkshire) who offered help and tips on IT. Jeff's presentation will eventually form the basis of a resource on the website. It was great to have the opportunity to ask questions, and to get straightforward answers from Jeff and other delegates. The use of voice recognition software raised lots of interest: from now on, don't worry if you see a colleague talking to themselves, as they are probably just dictating a script!

The final presentation before lunch by Chris Howe (Devon) focussed on the stress we experience as celebrants, and the affect this might have on our physical and emotional wellbeing. All of us recognise that stress is inevitable in our daily working lives - for all sorts of reasons - and Chris provided a valuable and enlightening insight into the issue, together with sound advice on how stress can be managed.

There was extra time provided for networking during the lunch break, after which Anne Barber, founder and President of the Institute, reflected back on its history. This nostalgic session included photographs from past events and the annual conference, and the chance to look at early IoCF newsletters. Anne concluded by asking members to share what they most valued about their IoCF membership and to suggest what they would like from the Institute in the future.

This special day concluded with 'cake and fizz', more photographs and toasts to the future of the Institute, and there was also the presentation of a special bouquet as a thank you to Anne Barber.

Delegates were also given 'goodie bags' to take home containing resources to promote the IoCF and its anniversary to their local funeral directors. Many thanks to Trish Empson for organising these. Trish will be talking more about PR for the Institute at the Conference.

Many thanks also to everyone who so generously contributed to the day - its organisation and its programme - most especially Barbara, the IoCF Administrator.

Some informal photographs of the event may be viewed here.

Next stop - the Conference, which begins on 31st October with the traditional quiz and - to mark Halloween - a fancy dress competition. What shall I wear?

Sarah Willis


Institute of Civil Funerals
6 Nene Road
Bicton Industrial Park
PE28 0LF

Tel: 01480 861 411

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